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Manage notification preferences

We use notifications to tell you when you have a new message from the NHS Wales App and NHS providers. You can select whether you want to receive App notifications at all as well as how you would like to receive them.

A notification is when you are alerted in the App that someone has sent you an update or message. You can choose how you receive this notification (for example as a "ping" on your phone in the same way that you usually receive a text message) or you can receive email or text notifications. 

A message is what the notification is alerting you about. 

You can select how you want to receive notifications using the slider on the Manage notifications preferences page of the App. You can change your selection at any time.

Language preferences

You can choose whether to receive notifications in the NHS Wales App in Welsh or English. Once you have made your selection, all notifications in the App will be in that language. You can change your selection at any time.

However, if your GP practice sends out notifications they are generally available in both Welsh and English so any emails or text messages you receive from your GP practice will be in both languages. 

App language selection

Note that even though you might select one language to receive messages using the notification slider, the language of the App will remain the same. If you want to change languages in the App, you can use the language switcher that appears at the top of the screen (in both the App and web versions). You will see either a CY or EN in the App version or Cymraeg or English in the web version, depending on which language you are using. You can switch between languages on any screen of the App.

Types of notifications and messages

There are 2 types of notifications that you can select to receive via the NHS Wales App:
1. General
General messages about health care that are not specific to you. These can include country-wide health updates and alerts (such as the latest news about COVID-19) or when the flu jabs will be coming to your surgery, as well as NHS campaigns such as cervical cancer or prostate initiatives. 
Examples of general messages
  • public and national campaign messaging
  • targeted healthcare campaigns
  • system messages
  • appointment availability
  • updates about the App that can include new features or improvements
2. Reminders

Reminders are specific to you. They include reminders of upcoming appointments or prescription requests. They type of reminders you receive will depend on your GP practice and hospital.

Examples of types of reminders
  • test results
  • imaging
  • documents/attachments
  • appoint reminders
  • prescription reminders

Ways of receiving notifications

You can choose to receive messages by:

  • push notification (if you are using a phone to access the App you will receive a notification to say you have a message in the App)
  • email (this is the email held by your GP practice)
  • text message (this is the phone number held by your GP practice)